Friday, February 15, 2008

Meet our Cookie Monster!!

I promised some pictures so here they are. I wasn't able to eat snack in Tyler's class so there are only pictures from Landon's class.

When I got to Landon's room he was playing with the cars, rolling them back and forth. His providers said that he loves the cars and even makes car noises.
This is Landon's favorite spot in the room because he knows that food is coming!!
Landon didn't know what to think of the cookie!!

But he decided to give the icing a try!!!!

I love how excited he looks in this picture!!

In this picture Landon is signing more, he wanted more icing!!

I love his facial expression in this picture, he looks like a pirate!! EERRR!!

Tyler on VDay before school!!!

Tyler is opening her VDay present. I thought I had a better pic but I didn't. She got Lily, Miley's best friend, and HM stickers!!

Landon got a piano, he loves music!!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures!! Have a great weekend!!!


bollingmom said...


Allison said...

Such cute pics! Are you doing sign language with Landon? I'm going to try it with Jenna too. :)