Monday, February 18, 2008


I just got back from the doctor and he thinks that I have an ulcer on my eye!! Yeah, not so fun!! He put my on eyedrops for a week and I have to go back next week to see how my eye looks. He said that he couldn't see a scratch but he saw a white mass. Hopefully the white mass is just an ulcer and then we can move on!! And hopefully the eyedrops will work. I used to work for an opthomologist and I have seen certain procedures they do to the eye so I would like to refrain from those!!

I just relized that I didn't make a post last week on how weight watchers is going. Well I am down 11lbs!! YAY!!! I am starting to feel it in my jeans. They are getting baggy but I am not ready to go shopping yet!! I know that I would still be too depressed.

David has been busy studying for Tech Sargent. He tests next Tuesday. Please keep him in your prayers. He really wants it and he deserves it after what all he went through the past year!!

Well I think I will keep this post short. My eye doesn't like the computer much right now!!

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