Friday, March 28, 2008

New Phone

My phone has been giving me problems for over a year now!! However, we were not eligible to upgrade until this summer. Today, I had enough of that piece of crap and called AT&T and made my case. I didn't even throw a fit and they said no problem, we will early upgrade you!! SERIOUSLY, nothing is ever that easy!! So now I am getting a Blackberry Curve. I have been wanting this phone forever!! David is so jealous but he is getting him one in a few months!! We also added a feature where we get better reception in areas that normally have bad reception, aka our house!! YAY!! So hopefully sometime next week I will have my new phone!! I can't wait to text on it!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Life has been hectic since David got back from Florida. We had a nice Easter. It was freezing so Tyler literally ran outside found her eggs then came back inside. Landon looked for his eggs inside the house!! On Monday, I taught my very first lesson to a 4th grade class on supply and demand. I loved it!! I was very nervous beforehand but as soon as I walked into the class, my nerves went away and I was very relaxed and excited. They were an awesome class and loved my lesson. I told David that maybe I can handle this teaching gig after all!!

Landon turned 14 months on Tuesday. He is FINALLY mobile, well somewhat!! He does the AF crawl all around the house!! It is so exciting to see him get excited that he can finally get to those toys that are out of reach!! You can tell he is so proud of himself. He can get up on all 4's by himself now, but he has no clue what to do when he gets there. But hey, we are FINALLY getting somewhere and we will take what we can get at this point. He has 3 molars now!! He was sent home from daycare yesterday with a fever of 101.5. That is the first time he has ever ran a fever. I gave him tylenol and it broke. He was acting normal and drinking and eating like nothing was wrong. We are hoping it is his teeth bothering him!!

Tuesday was also an important day for another reason. Tyler had her kindergarten orientation!! It was pretty painless. They are having us fill out all the paperwork while she tests at the end of April. So that was a relief!! They basically gave us all the important dates, her school supply list and other fun and important information. And we worked out an arrangement with one of Landon's providers so Tyler doesn't have to go to the Youth Center before school. I have 8:00 classes in the fall but I could pick her up. Landon's provider doesn't work until 11:00. PERFECT!! And one of her friends will keep them for snow days!! ALLELUIA, all is well in the world!!

Other then that we have just had a lot of busy stuff going on. David is working the night shift, 4:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. So we haven't seen too much of him!! School has been crazy busy, I should be studying for a test instead of typing this blog. Honestly, I am too tired at the moment to study!! You can only study for math for so long. You either get it or you don't!! I also did my schedule today for the summer and fall semesters!! We mapped out what classes I need to take next spring that would get me ready for my last year which includes my PDS block then student teaching!! I can see the light. Too bad I won't see the end of the tunnel until Spring 2010. But this year has flown by so I know the next two will fly by also!!

Well that is enough blabbing. I will post some pics this weekend from Easter and pictures of the kids!! And I apologize for any spelling or grammar errors, my brain is fried!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Yay for the Weekend!!!!

David will be home tomorrow from Florida! I can hardly contain my excitement. You would think he has been gone for months!! But I got really spoiled with him being home so much for the past year. And it wasn't the best of weeks so I am ready to get a big hug and kiss from my man!! We don't really have any big plans for the weekend. I know that David will want to catch up on some rest!! But dying and hunting eggs are definitely on the books!! I also have to get my lesson plan together. On Monday I am teaching my first lesson to a 4th grade class on supply and demand. I have my activities all planned out. I am so excited but so nervous!! Did I mention it will be video taped and the video will be downloaded onto my portfolio!! I keep telling myself to stop making a big deal out of it but I know that it is a big deal!! Oh well, I gotta start sometime!!

On Monday when Tyler went to the eye doctor they had Easter baskets for you to vote on. Today they drew names and Tyler won one of the baskets. She was so excited. I wanted to get a picture but she tore into the basket before we got home. FIGURES!! Landon loved the plastic eggs!! He played with those eggs forever. I can't wait until Sunday!! I guess David will have to hold him and let him find the eggs while I get pics. Looks like we may be hunting eggs in the house. Rain is in the forecast for Sunday morning!! I am trying not to complain because it is warming up!!!

I will try to get some pictures tomorrow of Landon when David gets home. Every morning when I get him up he says da da da da da. I know he is thinking, it is morning where is my daddy!! Poor baby boy!! He will be so excited to see his dad tomorrow!! I hope everyone has a great weekend and a Happy Easter!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Yesterday Tyler went to the eye dr to have her eyes checked. She did great and has perfect vision. But I have to tell the conversation she had with the doctor. It was hilarious.

Dr: Hi Tyler, how is your vision?

Tyler: puzzled look I don't have vision.

Dr: Can you not see?

Tyler: even more puzzled look I don't have visions. Raven has visions. (Raven is on a show on the Disney channel and she has visions of the future!)

Mom and Dr: laughter for about 5 minutes. How do you reply to that!!!!!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler

Today is Tyler's 5th Birthday!! She has grown up so much and we are so proud of her!! I wanted to post a lot of pictures of her growing up today but I can barely keep my eyes open and I have lots of homework. We wish Daddy was here to celebrate the big day with us!! But she did get to open her presents from us before he left on Friday! Happy Birthday Tyler, we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try to post all the pics of her soon!! Happy St Patrick's Day!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Girls Weekend

Tomorrow is Tyler's 5th Birthday. My mom, Courtney and Brandy came for the weekend to help celebrate. David left Friday night to spend the night in Kansas City. He had an 8:00 flight out on Saturday for a TDY to Florida. We ate hamburgers and cake and ice cream and opened presents. On Saturday we went to The Rainforest Cafe, it is Tyler's favorite, and shopping. We also took Tyler to Libby Lu's where she got to dress up as a mix between Hannah Montana and Sharpay (not sure if that is spelled right) from High School Musical. I got lots of clothes, new makeup and decor for the house. I needed clothes so bad so now I have a good start for spring. Here are some pictures!! Hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

101 Things About Me...

Landon is still asleep, Tyler is watching tv, and I am trying to figure out if the pain in my stomach is hunger pain or the stomach virus. So, you are going to be blessed by learning 101 Things About Me. Please contain your excitement!!!

1. I was born in Pine Bluff, AR on February 9, 1980
2. My mom's birthday is February 10 (I love that our bdays are so close)
3. I married my best friend on May 26, 2001
4. I have lived in 5 states (AR, LA, UT, TX, MO)
5. I lived in England for 3 years, and I don't mean England, AR
6. Maybe I should mention that my husband is Air Force and that accounts for England and 2 of the states that I have lived in.
7. I went to two high schools, PBHS (10th grade) and I graduated from WHHS (1998)
8. I went to college at UAM for 2 years where I was an Alpha Sig
9. I met David at UAM through a mutual friend.
10. I was president of the CAP Team, a high school volunteer group at JRMC, my senior year.
11. I got fired from the gift shop at the hospital my senior year. The lady over it accused me of being on drugs but refused to give me a drug test. Yeah, can you imagine the **** she caught from my parents. We should've sued, I would have no reason to work!! LOL!
12. Leslie Tyler Pierce was born in England on March 17, 2003. Our lives would never be the same!! HA!!!

13. Landon Allen Pierce was born in Utah on January 25, 2007. He is turning me grey!! LOL!!
14. I am thankful to have a sister who is a hair stylist to cover the greys that Landon has given me!! (I really do love that boy, SERIOUSLY!!)
15. We bought our first house in Utah on July of 2005.
16. Two years after we bought the house we found out that we had to move to Mo. But thankfully the housing marking in UT was awesome and buying a house was the best investment we have ever made!!
17. I started back to school in Aug 07. I am getting my degree in Early Childhood/Elementary Education.
18. I worked at the Child Development Center at Hill AFB for over 2 years. I made wonderful friends there and miss them all deeply!!
19. We had lots of good friends in UT that we miss so much!!
20. Target is my favorite store. I am seriously going into Target with drawls.
21. In college, I worked at Mazzio's pizza. I seriously do not know how I stayed skinny.
22. I am addicted to Dove's chocolate and Cadbury's chocolate. However, Cadbury's chocolate in the United States isn't' that great after you have had it in Europe.
23. When David came back from Iraq, they had a layover in Ireland and he bought me lots of Cadbury's chocolate. He's the best!!
24. I love photography. David bought me a SLR camera for my birthday. I am learning it but I would love to take photography classes one day.
25. I have lots of interests but don't have the talent to pursue them. For example, sports. I loved softball but was never any good at it. Yes, I practiced.
26. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to something I love. Hence, that is why I didn't stick to softball. I wanted to be GREAT and I was ok.
27. I LOVE my ARKANSAS RAZORBACKS. DON'T TRASH TALK THEM!!! (Mainly football. I have to watch basketball in person. IT isn't the same on tv)
28. I love the St Louis Cardinals but I am a little worried this season with all the new folks. But we are still planning on hitting up a game!! GO CARDS!!
29. David and I are so different, yet so alike. I love that about us!!
30. Tyler looks like her daddy but acts like her momma. SCARY mix!!
31. I love 80's rock!! I heart Bon Jovi!!!
32. I was in love with Tom Cruise back in the day. After he called it quits with Nicole Kidman, I lost interest. Now he is plain crazy. But I still love Top Gun!!
33. My life consists of Hannah Montana and I am starting to see Winnie the Pooh appear. Note: Read previous post to see how I feel about Pooh!!
34. I cannot drink milk. David tried to force it down me when I was pregnant with Tyler. It didn't go over well.
35. I am fascinated with serial killers. No, I am not crazy. I love reading about FBI profiling and the minds of serial killers. I really wanted to be in the FBI at one point of my life. Not sure how I went from FBI to being a teacher.
36. My favorite seasons are spring and fall.
37. I have never been to the beach. (well not a pretty one)
38. I cannot wait to take the kids to Disney World.
39. I love 80's movies. The Breakfast Club is a classic.
40. My fav colors are chocolate brown and aqua.
41. I am busting my butt to loose the weight from Landon. Actually I gained most of it when we moved last summer!! UGH!!
42. I am on the verge of ordering lipo in a box. It sucks everything in. I saw it on Oprah so you know it is good!!
43. My family is my world.
44. I am addicted to shopping. However, I don't like buying clothes for me, it depresses me. I love shopping for the kids. And I am starting to love more and more shopping for Landon. It is a challenge and I love that!! But The Children's Place never lets me down on clothes for him.
45. When I was pregnant with Tyler I was terrified that I would have a girl who was a big priss and her fav color was pink. That is exactly what I got and I LOVE IT!!
46. I was told last week that I should be a math teacher. The irony is, I do not like math, AT ALL!!
47. I am a grammar freak. I have to bit my tongue not to correct David!! LOL!!
48. My favorite flowers are gerber (spelling?) daisies.
49. My dream vacations are NYC and Australia.
50. I love hugs from my kids. It makes my heart melt every time.
51. When David is deployed or TDY, I spray his cologne on one of his pillows so it feels like he is still here!!
52. This is harder then it looks!!
53. I am not a girly girl but I try!!
54. I dread swimsuit season!! I avoid the pool at all costs!! (Hum, maybe that is why we have never been to the beach!)
55. I am very self conscious. Bet you had not figured that one out by now!!
56. I have really wide feet and I love flip flops but my feet are so not cute in them!!
57. I love history, but my history class this semester is kicking my butt!!
58. David and I saw Lion King, the musical, in London for our first anniversary. It was so awesome!!
59. I love culture. I love going to museums, the symphony, musicals, etc.
60. I love Les Mes. I am not trying to spell it. I would butcher it. I would love to see Phantom of the Opera.
61. I wish I could sing. I try but I dread the day when Tyler realizes that her mommy cannot sing!!
62. I am very organized when it comes to work, but my house, not so much. I try, but then someone comes behind me and messes it up. I guess I have given up!!
63. I love it when Tyler tells David and I that we are the best daddy/mommy in the whole wide world!! Talk about a boost to the ego!!
64. It amazes me how different Tyler and Landon are. I have a brother and sister and we are all so different but it still amazes me!!
65. When I look at Tyler and Landon, I cannot believe that I carried them in my tummy for 9 months. How amazing is that!!!!!!!
66. I will never forget how wonderful it was to have David and my mom in the delivery room with me when Landon was born. Then my dad came in right afterwards. It was awesome to have family there. (We didn't have anyone when Tyler was born.)
67. Bush declared war on Iraq the week Tyler was born. The base was chaos. It kind of put a damper on things! David didn't get to take as much time off as originally planned. Life of the military!!
68. I cannot imagine living the civilian life again. I am a military wife and only a military wife can understand that!!
69. I had all of my wrecks (car) when I was 16!! KNOCK ON WOOD!!
70. I always made good grades in school but standardized testing showed that I was dumb!! Go Figure!!
71. I want a Coach purse so bad. David keeps telling me to buy one but I can't bring myself to spend that much money. But I told him that he could get me one for graduation!!

72. I just ordered new glasses after my eye ulcer ordeal. They are too cute but David isn't that hot on them. He likes me in contacts. But at least I am not wearing the glasses all the time!!
73. Does laundry ever get caught up?
74. I do not know how my parents had 3 kids. I am so thankful they did but I admire them because I know how much they sacrificed for us!!
75. I love the holidays.
76. I love birthdays, my dad and David accuse me of going overboard!! But I feel like it is a reason to celebrate
77. I am excited to turn 30. I know, I am crazy!!
78. When I turn 30, I graduate from college, I am going to NYC w/ my mom and sis, and my mom turns 50. Hey, who wouldn't be excited for all that!!
79. I have to constantly rearrange my house. I get bored with it really fast. Luckily, I have a husband who is the same way!!
80. I cannot wait for David to retire so we can build a house!!
81. I love the smell of Lysol, bleach, fresh cut grass, rain, 409, a clean baby, and so many other things.
82. I love riding 4 wheelers, going on walks, fishing, camping, anything outdoors!!
83. I wish I were more creative!!
84. I am so proud of my husband and all of his accomplishments!!
85. I do not like cold weather or the snow!!
86. I love to grill.
87. I love to host parties! But I don't like to clean up after them!!
88. I love to cook but it comes in spurts!
89. I love going to the gym, but getting there is the problem.
90. I don't like pumping gas. David is making me insert this, "B/c I do not like to pump gas and I am cheap and search for the cheapest gas prices, I ran out of gas the other day and David and his boss had to come and rescue me. To my defense, the red light never came on. I have another 50 miles after the light comes on!!"
91. I am starting to see myself as the stereotypical soccer mom. Tyler is in dance, this summer she is going to do Tee Ball and cheerleading. And I can't wait to help with school parties and be a part of the PTA. Yes, I am crazy but I like to be involved.
92. I am bad about biting my nails, even if I pay money to get the fake ones.
93. I love country preppy!! I guess that is how I fell for David.
94. I love thunderstorms.
95. I love to cuddle.
96. I love to read but don't have the time to read anymore.
97. My husband spoils me. He's the best.
98. I am obsessed with alligators.
99. I am very stubborn when it comes to something I believe in.
100. I love to bake, but I can't anymore due to Landon's egg allergy.
101. I am very thankful for my wonderful life.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Break Rocks

Wow, have we been busy or what!! This week is spring break for me!! I am loving it and I swear that my husband secretly doesn't want me to go back to school!! He is enjoying the stress free me!! But I went crazy staying home with nothing to do over Christmas break so he can keep dreaming!!

Sunday we decided to go to the mall in Independence. We had a good time but David wasn't feeling well so we didn't stay too long. Just long enough to spoil the kids. We went to the Disney Store. Landon loves the plush characters there and he about dove into them. He fell in love with Pooh. Not many people know this, but I am so not the pooh person!!! I am serious!! My mom was quick to remind me that I was so not the pink person either and Tyler's fav color is pink. My kids are working against me!! So Landon is hugging on Pooh and I am trying to show him other characters like one of the puppies from 101 Dalmatians. He would just throw them on the floor. So I gave up. But he was soooooooooooooooooo cute with that pooh bear. He would give it kisses and hug him and lie his head on him. I was so upset that I didn't have my camera with me. And no, I still haven't taken pictures of him with his Pooh bear. Note to the grandparents reading this post: DO NOT RUSH OUT AND BUY CLOTHES WITH POOH ON IT!! I BEG YOU!!!!

On Monday I kept both of the kids home with me. Landon had an appointment with Parents as Teachers to observe his lack of gross motor skills. She has contacted a nurse but she still hasn't heard back from the nurse. Please say a prayer for our little man. It could be something very little or something major. We have no clue at this point and David and I are very worried about our little man!!!

Yesterday David stayed home sick. He has been fighting the stomach virus. The poor guy has been sick for the past 2 weeks. And he is leaving for Florida on Friday. Hopefully he gets to feeling better soon!! He said he was better today when he woke up!! Other then that I have been doing lots of spring cleaning. You can't really tell by looking at my house. I tell David that you have to make a mess to clean up a mess. In other words, I am getting rid of lots of junk so the house may look a little disorganized at the moment. But today it should be back to normal!!!

We are really looking forward to the weekend!! My mom, sister and Brandy (Matt's girlfriend) are coming up to visit. We are doing a little party on Friday night and David is grilling burgers. Shortly after the party, David leaves to spend the night in Kansas City. They leave for Florida early on Saturday morning. Then Saturday we are all going shopping!! I am so excited. I am going to get the kiddos some clothes for spring. I have spring fever and we are supposed to see the 70s today so the fever is in overdrive!! Hopefully I can find things to decorate our blah white walls!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our Kiddos

Today we had Tyler's conference at the CDC. They had all great things to say about her!! What a relief!! We talked about what we want to work on her with to get ready for kindergarten. Ms. Michelle said that yesterday they were making a poster of animals that can be found in Missouri. Tyler found a picture of deer. Most of the other kids were finding pictures of elephants, tigers, etc!! Then they were asked to draw a picture of an animal in Missouri and find a stamp that went with the drawing. Tyler drew a picture of a bird and found a stamp of bird's feet. She was the only one that drew a picture and found the matching stamps. We were so proud of her!! We had a good laugh on her expense too on how ditzy and forgetful she can be!! No, she is not my child!! LOL!!! We found out that we have kindergarten orientation at the end of this month and then the assessments start in April!! YIKES!! Monday we went to the elementary school for a PTO social. Tyler had the best time. She woke up on Tuesday thinking she was starting kindergarten!!

We are trying to fight the stomach virus with Landon. It is going around in his room really bad, and they aren't throwing up!! They sent 6 kids home today with it!! Today I put Landon on all 4's and I swear he was so close to crawling. Yes, I know he is 13 months!! But I will take anything!!!!

On the bright side, only 2 more days til Spring Break!! YAY!!! I have lots of things planned!! Hopefully no one will get sick!! But on the same note, I am not ready for it to get here because David leaves for Florida next Friday!! :-( We aren't looking forward to that. We have gotten spoiled with him being home so much this year!!!!!!! But it is only for a week, so hopefully we can survive!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our Weekend

No one was sick, no trips to the ER, so it was a pretty good weekend!! I rearranged the house and David cleaned out the garage!!! It was a gorgeous weekend but the strong winds kept us inside yesterday. Today the wind was a little bit strong then breezy so we enjoyed being outside for a little while. Landon discovered rocks and I didn't think we would get him away from them!! Here are a few pics!! The color isn't that great. It is very overcast due to the rain that is trying to come our way!! I am trying to get familiar with my camera before I start trying to figure out how to work with light!! I would love to take a photography class. However, I am busy enough with the classes I've got!!

The nice weather is coming to an end!!

Landon wasn't too happy when we wouldn't let him eat the rocks!!

Not sure why, but I love this picture!!

Summer Vacation

Well we finally decided where we are going for our first summer vacation!!! We are going to St Louis!! YAY!! We decided to stay close with the rise of gas prices!! UGH!! We found so much to do in St Louis and the best part of it is, a lot of it is FREE!! OH YEAH!!! We aren't sure when we are going yet, that will depend on my summer schedule with school and David's work schedule!! We are planning on going to the zoo (FREE!!), the aquarium, a Cardinals game, a riverboat tour, the Arch, and so much more. We cannot wait!! I love St Louis and cannot wait to show my family how awesome St Louis is!!