Monday, December 31, 2007

Another year has gone by!

I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2007. With that being said, I decided to dedicate this post to the ups and downs of 2007. The year started out with a bang!! Landon was born on January 25. It was a very exciting time, especially since my parents flew up to be here for the birth! We lived in England when Tyler was born and it was the same week that the war broke out so no one was able to come and see her! So it was a very emotional time for me to have my mom and David in the room with me when Landon was born. After Landon was born the year kind of took a slow pace but I think that was only to get us ready for the rest of the year. On April 2, the kids and I boarded a planed headed to Dallas, TX for Courtney and Jeff's wedding!! It was a very exciting time and David was going to join us 2 weeks later, right before the wedding. Well fate had other plans. As soon as I was standing up to enter the airport, I turned my phone off and I had a text message from David. I was thinking, oh how sweet, he wanted to check on us and make sure we got to Dallas safely!! NOT!!! He sent me a text saying that he wouldn't be able to come home for the wedding because he would be in San Antonio for tech school. We knew there was a chance he would have to cross train because his career field was overmanned but we really hoped that David wouldn't be one of the chosen few. As soon as I found mom and Courtney I called David to find out what was going on. And that is when our lives took a big 360!! So we were home for a month without David and pondering the whole time what our summer would have in store for us. The wedding was beautiful and we are so excited to have Jeff as a part of our family. Not that he wasn't before the wedding!! A few days after we got home from the wedding I get a call from David and he said that we are PCSing (moving). OH FUN!! The plus of the whole situation is that we were moving closer to home!! The downside, we would be leaving all of our good friends and I had to try to sell a house all by myself!! Luckily one of my friends gave me the name of an awesome realtor and we had the house sold in 2 weeks!! A month later we were off to our 3rd base in six years!! After we got settled in, I started back to school. It is definitely my best decision for the year 2007!! I am going back to school for a degree in early childhood/elem education!! I love it!! I even got to work in a second grade classroom last semester!! So we are finally settling in, lots of visits from family (we are a lot closer to home after all!!) and everything is going great!! On Nov 3, we are at Walmart when David got a call from his brother. David's dad had a massive heart attack and didn't make it. Our world literally stopped!! We rushed home, the whole way home it was like nothing happened. We were in shock and not home yet so it was too hard to believe. I am not sure that we still believe it. Being away from home, we aren't there to deal with it on an every day basis. So it only hits us when we go home for a visit! He is a wonderful man and I know that he is watching over us from up above!! We had a wonderful Christmas and now with the new year right around the corner we are looking for to the razorback bowl game and to see what the new year brings us!! I am sure it will be a year of ups and downs but the ups and downs always make you a stronger person. David will be deploying in the spring so please keep us in your prayers!! And we wish everyone the best 2008!! Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

When did she grow up on me?

Seriously, when did my little girl grow up on me so fast?
My mom called me Friday night and asked if she could meet us and pick up Tyler and take her back home with her!! Can you imagine the excitement that came over me. I didn't hesistate to say yes!! She wanted to take Tyler to see Sesame Street Live on Sunday. When I told Tyler the news she ran upstairs, got her suitcase and emptied her dresser into her suitcase. (I still have a mess in her room to clean up!!) So Saturday morning we are off to Branson to meet mom, Courtney and Jeff. We met them at a store and then Tyler got in the car with them and it was all I could do to get a goodbye from her!! But I know how excited she was and I am excited for her!! But it didn't keep me from shedding a few tears. Heck, we aren't even in the same state right now!! After we left them, they went shopping at one of the outlet malls. I called mom later that day and Tyler told me what all she got and that she was too busy to talk right now because she needed to play with her new Mermaid head (one of those heads that you style their hair). Ok, so when did she turn 16!! Mom said she slept the whole way home and when they got home Tyler wanted to open up her Christmas presents. Yes, she really is that spoiled!! LOL!! Mom said that Tyler stayed up to 3:30 a.m. playing with all of her toys!! Heck, she had a long nap, she was ready to go!! Today they are going ice skating. Tyler decided she would rather go ice skating then seeing Sesame Street Live. Again, when did she grow up on me!! I am going to say a little prayer that my mom doesn't fall and break her back. Tyler will be fine, she is 4, kids recover fast!! I can't wait to hear about the ice skating trip. I gave my mom my camera so she could take lots of pics!! I can't wait to see them!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

My New Years Resolution for 2008

Ok, so I caught bits of pieces on Oprah (man I miss DVR) and she had guests that were ex planing how much money you can save by using coupons!! I always say that I am going to start using coupons but we do not get a Sunday paper so I just haven't messed with it. Well yesterday I was reading one of my friends blogs and she saw Oprah also and posted a website that helps with saving big money by using coupons. So I went on the website after everyone went to bed and I promise I spent an hour and a half on there. OH yeah, the website is There were all kinds of stories and pictures of what they call stockpiling. This is where you use coupons for products or nonperishable foods that you may need in the future. The stories are amazing and I am so motivated!! Living on one income with two kids isn't the easiest so I will look for any way to save some extra money!! And it isn't going to hurt to at least give it month and see how it works out!! So if you have any coupons you don't use then send them my way!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Landon is 11 months old!!

I cannot believe that my baby boy will be one in 28 days!! He is growing up so fast!! He is really starting to talk and is very vocal when he wants food!! He is always hungry, so chances are he is screaming MOMMA a lot!! He is having a blast playing with all of his new toys that Santa brought him!! As far as being mobile, no changes there. He doesn't' care anything about walking, standing up or anything. That is ok though, because I haven't even thought about baby proofing the house yet. In fact, we haven't even lowered his mattress on his bed yet. I keep asking David to lower it, but you know how that goes!! I think he only hears BLAH BLAH BLAH!! He has an appt at Children's Mercy Hospital next month for extensive allergy testing. Hopefully we will get some more answers. They specialize in children with weird allergies so hopefully they will test him for everything under the sun!! Speaking of Landon, he just woke up from his nap so I better make this short. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside!!

We got six inches of snow yesterday!! We went from ice to snow. When winter hit, it hit hard!! We haven't been out to play in it yet. Tyler outgrew her snowsuit and Landon doesn't have one. It is 9 degrees outside. We will eventually get out there in it and build a snowman but we gotta get the kids suited up first!! For now we will just enjoy the snow in the comfort of our heated house!!
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Shout Out to the Beatty Women

I just wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of my mom and my sister. My mom had the bank's Christmas party last night and she was named Employee of the Year!! How awesome is that!! I am so excited for her. She deserves it and it was a long time coming!! Courtney also called me last night and she beat her best week every by $200 only working three days. If you don't know, Courtney is a hair stylist for the number one salon in AR. If you need a haircut and you live in Little Rock her salon is Joels Downtown Salon. Cheap plug there, I know!! And with my grades we really rocked it out this week!! Congrats Mom and Courtney!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Finals are done!!

Finals are officially over and I am worn out!! Pending one grade, it looks like I have all A's for the semester!! YAY!! I cannot believe it. Going back to school, after being out for 4 years, was an adjustment!! I know that I could not have done it without my family!! David was a savior!! Bless his heart, he had to cook more than normal and help out around the house more while I was studying. But he never complained because he knew that it was important that I got that paper done or studied for that big test!! My mom was my inspiration!! I knew that I could go back if she could go to school after being out for many years, have a full time job and a part time job!! She is a very strong person and I strive to be just like her every day!! Cathy would always tell me funny stories of her second graders that would make me laugh and really get me excited to have my own class one day. My second grade class at Whitmeman Elementary was the best. I miss them already!! And Tyler and Landon are a major part of why I am going back to school. I look at them when I am frustrated at school and then I know it is all worth it!! Many people told me that it would be too hard to go back to school with two kids or I would be taking time away from them!! I may have to sacrifice some time away from them but for the most part I haven't missed out on anything!! I know right now is the best time for me to go back to school before they are older and really need me!! I love David, Tyler and Landon and I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family to support me while I am back in school!! I know that this will all pay off when I have the same hours that they are in school and I get those summers off!! Well maybe not the whole summer but hey it is better then what I got now!! I am sorry I am blabbing about me!! But it is just so important to me to thank those that I love so much!! Now it is time to get the house back in order and get ready for Christmas!! YAY!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The New CDC

We went to the open house at the new CDC last night and it surpassed my expectations. It is really nice!! Tyler is so excited. They got all new furniture too!! That may not seem like a big deal to you but as a previous CDC employee I know how expensive that furniture is and it takes an act of congress to get that kind of money to buy it!! Tyler is so excited about the new housekeeping area. That is her favorite area to play. The rooms are so much bigger and the playground is so nice!! I am so excited for her!! Those kids will have no problem taking a nap on Monday, they are going to be worn out with all the new toys to play with. I wanted to take pictures but David had to work last night. It is impossible to take pictures while holding Landon!! I swear that boy gained 5lbs this week. He seems heavier and heavier every day!!

Speaking of Landon, he is 10 1/2 months old now. I can't believe it. No, he still isn't mobile. I am not worried about it. He is his father's son. People are really starting to drive me crazy about him not crawling. But news flash: Some babies do not crawl!! And I really don't think he will be in any hurry to walk. Not a big deal. I have had to chase after Tyler for the past 4 years, a relaxed, laid back baby is no thing to me!! LOL!! Seriously, it is so amazing how different Landon and Tyler are!! As far as them as babies, Tyler was way more mobile but Landon talks more!! I picked Landon up from daycare the other day and he kept saying da da. I told him that da da was at work. I promise you, he said wok!! I about fell out!! It was so exciting!! I am not sure if David believes me or not!! Tyler is trying to teach him to say sister.

David's squadron is having a Christmas party for the kids this afternoon at the bowling alley on base. Tyler is so excited. It should be fun and a good break from studying for finals, which I should be doing right now!! Well I guess that is enough procrastination. Have a great weekend!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

One semester down, WELL ALMOST!!

Well I am done with classes. Next week is finals and then it is Christmas Break!! YAY!! I cannot wait for a break!!! Going back to school after being our for four years was definitely a challenge but it has all been worth it!! I know that teaching is what I want to do and I cannot wait for next semester to really get more in depth in my education courses.

The end of the semester also means that I had to say goodbye to my second grade class that I observed this semester. Yesterday was my last day. I became really attached to the class and it will be so hard not to go back next semester. I learned so much from my teacher and the students!! The teacher had the students sit in a circle and same one thing that they would miss about me. It was all I could do to hold back the tears!! I hope that when I start teaching that I have a class as awesome as they are!! The good part about this is that I will still see so many of the students, many of them live in my neighborhood!! David cannot get used to hearing Mrs. Pierce when we see one of the students on base!!

Today is also Tyler's last day at the old cdc building. They start the new center on Monday. They were having an open house last night but it got canceled due to ice and snow. It was a nasty day. However, it was rescheduled for tonight. Tyler and I cannot wait to check out the new center. Her providers told me that it is really nice. After working at the cdc at Hill for almost 3 years it will be really neat to see what a brand new center with all new furniture looks like!! Landon still doesn't have a spot at the CDC yet. They may open a new baby room in February but Landon will be one then so it won't help us out any. Once he turns one then he starts all over on the one year waiting list. We have pretty much given up on him getting into the cdc. AT this point I just hope he is in the CDC before Tyler starts kindergarten. The new CDC is across the street from the Elementary school so that would be very convenient for me!!!

Well I will wrap this up. I have been so busy with school lately that I haven't been able to post anything. Once finals are over I will get some pictures posted. I have lots of pics on my camera that I need to download. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!