Friday, February 29, 2008


I am so glad it is the weekend!! It has been a week for the books and I am so drained physically and mentally!! Only one more week until Spring Break, one more week until spring break, one more week until spring break!! I have to keep telling myself that to keep going!!

Today I had a conference with Landon's providers at the CDC. After a child has been in the room for a month then they do a conference to let you know how they are doing, their accomplishment, their needs and our goals. His provider said that he talks more then any of the other children and there is a nineteen month in the room!! Some words we cannot understand but you can tell that he tries so hard to tell us what he wants or what he sees!! And that counts on his communication skills!! We laughed at how he eats adult sized portions at mean time. I kid you not. And I promise you, he is getting skinny. Maybe he is growing longer!! The only thing he is behind on is his gross motor skills. The lady from the university never sent me the paperwork for a referral to Children's Mercy Hospital for physical therapy!! So now we are trying to get in touch with Parents as Teachers. I know you are thinking that I am crazy and that he is fine. But a mom just knows when something isn't right. And I just feel it!! He still can't sit up from lying down and that is a skill that he should have mastered several months ago!! If nothing is wrong, then it isn't going to hurt to get him all the help that I can. If I didn't and let it wait until he was 18 months old and still not walking then we could discover that something could be wrong and treated a long time ago. Sometimes I really don't think that it is good to have a child development class and be a mom!! LOL!!

On a brighter note, the sun is out and it is warm here!! The first time in months!! I can't wait to pick the kids up and go on a walk. I think we could all use some sunshine!! And we can use Landon's wagon that he got for his birthday!! IT has been too cold to use it!!


Thursday, February 28, 2008


This morning Tyler woke up and told me that she had a dream about kindergarten. I cannot stress enough how excited she is to start school!! This morning when I took her to her room at the CDC, they had a note for the parents of children starting kindergarten this fall. On Monday, they are inviting us parents to the PTO meeting. They are gong to discuss what all happened this year, what is going on next year and give us all the information on orientation and assessment. Tyler was so excited!! It really hit me hard that it is getting close to that time!!! However, I think it could be a long summer because Tyler will be driving me crazy on how many days until she starts school!!

Blogging in the Wee Hours of the Morning.....

I woke up at 4 a.m. and tossed and turned. I gave up and decided to go down stairs and study for my history test that I have this morning. I love history, but this class has seriously got to go!! I do not get test anxiety, unless it is a standarized test, but today it is getting to me. But it hasn't been the best of weeks either so I am sure it is a mixture of many things!! Well back to studying!!

Sorry for the pointless blog, I just needed a short break from the notecards and I can't go bug the kids or David so I get to bug you!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

One Class Down

I had a final today in my Intro to Math for Elementary Teachers, at least I think that is what it is called. I had that class everyday and that is how I finished it so quickly. I feel like I did really well on the final. I had a high A before the final so I feel confident that I have an A in that class. Tomorrow we start Concepts of Math and it meets every day also. And I found out that I made a B on a test last week that I thought I bombed. I will take a B, especially considering it was the first test of the semester. Those are always the worst.

David and Landon both stayed home today and went to the dr. David's dr said he probably had the flu but didn't test him!! UGH!! And then he gave him a bunch of over the counter meds!! Whatever!! Landon has been coughing all night for the past two nights. Nothing was helping to get rid of the cough. So they put him on some good meds. So far I haven't hear him coughing in there!! YAY!! Well I am worn out, so it is time for bed!!

Update: My professor just posted my grade. I made an A on the test and an A for the class!! WHEW!! Well that is 2 hours down for the semester!! Sixteen more to go!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


I just added two new surveys to the right side of my blog. They are just for fun. One is asking when you think Landon will start walking. It is the big question in our household. The other asks your favorite vacation spot. We really want to go on a vacation this summer!! We have never taken a family vacation, AR doesn't count!! So it would be fun. Tyler wants to go to Disney World but we want wait until both of the kiddos are older. That is a lot of money to spend and them not remember it!! LOL!! If one of your favorite vacation spots is not listed, then leave me a comment!!!!

Blah Weekend

This weekend has consisted of sick husband, cranky baby and a 4 year old with way too much energy!! As you can guess, no I haven't gotten much done this weekend!! But the laundry is caught up!! YAY!!!! So I guess I was somewhat productive!! Here are some pictures that have been on my camera that I finally downloaded!! ENJOY!!!
David took this picture one night after the kids' baths. Landon finally has enough
balance to sit on the zebra all by himself. As you can see, I was
still a little too nervous though!!!

This is what we woke up to this morning. The weather man said there would
be no accumulation!! HHHMMM!!!!
Tyler wanted me to take her picture while we were eating dinner!!
I love this picture of Landon. I don't know why, but it is just LANDON!!

On an exciting note, my dad has to go to Maryland the weekend of Tyler's birthday. Ok, I know you are thinking, why is this exciting? Well my mom decided to come up that weekend for Tyler's birthday!! YAY!!! Tyler is so excited and is counting down the days!! We are going to take her to Club Libby Lu's. ( It is the neatest store where they will do little and big girls hair and makeup. They even have a package where they will make you look like Hannah Montana. HHHMMM, wonder which one Tyler will choose!! She has been wanting to let them make her beautiful every time we go to the mall. I have been holding off for a special occasion. She will be so pumped and I cannot wait either!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bath Time

I took these pictures of a few weeks ago of Landon in the bathtub! He loves taking a bath!! I know that it makes his skin feel so much better!! David got some cute pictures of him last night standing by the bathtub and then more after his bath playing in his room. Now David is in love with my camera. I need to hurry up and see so he doesn't steal it from me!! LOL!!

I am starting to find out more and more everyday of the life with a boy in the house. Everyone was in the bathroom last night while Landon was taking a bath. He was having the best time. Tyler even washed his hair. It was cute. All of a sudden he started making a funny face. Before I could even say, OH CRAP we need to get him out, I saw the surprise that he had left for us. Tyler is yelling, eeeeewwwww, gross. I am trying to pull him out of the tub and put a diaper on him. Luckily David cleaned the bathtub. The whole time Landon is grinning and I could just see his little brain thinking what is the big fuss all about!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Iced In

Seriously, spring cannot get her soon enough!! We woke up this morning to ice on the roads and more freezing rain to come then snow starting tonight. SIGH!!!! But the college actually delayed school until 10a.m. However with freezing rain coming we decided to stay home. I am only missing once class so I think it will be ok!! My class this afternoon was cancelled earlier in the week so I don't see much point taking the chances on the ice for one class!! Icy days like this really make me want a new vehicle. The Explorer does not do well on slick roads. Here is my dream new ride.

It is a Nissan Armada. My mom bought one last year. David got to drive it around while they were here a couple of weeks ago. I was already in love with it but now David has the fever!! However, I think that I want to wait at least another year before we trade in. I am not too excited about buying a new car on one income!! Although we will probably buy used!!!

The kids are enjoying staying home today. I made them pancakes and peaches. Well when I say that I made pancakes that could be a lie. I got the Aunt Jemima frozen mini pancakes out of the box and put them in the microwave. The kiddos love them and Landon is not very patient when he is hungry. In fact, the whole 50 seconds in the microwave he was screaming for them. He loves to eat. But I don't feel bad, it was still a healthy breakfast!!!

School has been so busy this week. But I did make a really cute game for my PE for Elem teachers class. I will take a picture of it soon. I was very proud of how it came out. I am not the most creative person!! I haven't taken any pictures since the eye ulcer!! I really haven't been on the computer much.

Yesterday David had a class he had to go to and when I got home from school he was already done for the day. So we decided to take advantage of the alone time and go to the grocery store. Romantic, yes I know!! But it was so nice going together with no kids. I don't think that has ever happened!!

Tyler's birthday is coming up next month. I am at a loss on what to get her or what to do for her birthday. David leaves the weekend before her birthday for Florida for a week. So we cannot do a party before her birthday and the weekend after he will be getting home and it is Easter weekend. So it looks like a party may be out of the question this year. I know, I know, I am a bad mother for not throwing my daughter a birthday party. But we have no family here, we really don't have anyone here to invite. But birthdays are a big deal in the house so we will do something and it will be a big deal. And she is spoiled so she will get lots of good presents!! Nannie and Aunt Courtney are wanting to come up sometime around her birthday. Finding a weekend is the question and we were wanting to meet them somewhere half way so they don't have to drive all the way here. Branson is too cold to do anything there right now. Seriously, when is it going to warm up!!

Well I guess that is enough rambling for one day. I really need to do laundry!! That never ends!!!!!



Monday, February 18, 2008

My vision

No, your computer is not acting up, no you do not need to clean your glasses!! This picture shows how well I can see right now out of my left eye. Actually it may be worse than this picture. At least I have my right eye!!


I just got back from the doctor and he thinks that I have an ulcer on my eye!! Yeah, not so fun!! He put my on eyedrops for a week and I have to go back next week to see how my eye looks. He said that he couldn't see a scratch but he saw a white mass. Hopefully the white mass is just an ulcer and then we can move on!! And hopefully the eyedrops will work. I used to work for an opthomologist and I have seen certain procedures they do to the eye so I would like to refrain from those!!

I just relized that I didn't make a post last week on how weight watchers is going. Well I am down 11lbs!! YAY!!! I am starting to feel it in my jeans. They are getting baggy but I am not ready to go shopping yet!! I know that I would still be too depressed.

David has been busy studying for Tech Sargent. He tests next Tuesday. Please keep him in your prayers. He really wants it and he deserves it after what all he went through the past year!!

Well I think I will keep this post short. My eye doesn't like the computer much right now!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

ER Visit

We had a busy Saturday!! Tyler had her pictures made for dance class first thing in the morning. They turned out really cute and I cannot wait to get them back in!! Friday, when we picked the kids up from school, we noticed that Landon's eyes were a blanket of green gook. YUK. On Saturday the dr called him in some eyedrops. We went almost 2 hours to pick them up and they still weren't ready!! UGH!! We decided to go get the oil changed at Walmart. Why I ever suggested Walmart is beyond me. I just thought it would be easier to entertain the kids there then at Jiffy Lube. Almost 2 hours later we were back off to the pharmacy to pick up Lanodn's eyedrops. Twenty minutes later we finally got them. Now it is almost 2:00 and we are tired and ready to go home and relax and it was way past time for Landon's naptime. Tyler got a new dvd at Walmart and Landon was down for a nap so we decided to watch Superbad. (If you haven't seen it go rent it!! Well maybe only for the younger generation!! LOL!!) Not even 15 minutes into the movie my eye is in PAIN!! I took out my contact and tried to clean it out with no relief. I started to think it was pink eye but my eye got worse and worse. I was seriously lying on top of the stairs because it was the darkest spot in the house. Even in the dark I was crying because the pain was almost too much to take. David called the dr on call at the base and he said to get me to the ER. OH JOY! You can only imagine how fun going to the ER with two kids is. We get to the ER and almost everyone there has surgical masks on and looked like death. I am thinking to myslef, tell the kids not to breathe!! I was thinking that I would never get to be seen but as luck has it, an eye rates higher then the flu. Works for me!! I had an awesome doctor. He kept putting numbing drops in my eyes to help with the pain so I could open my eye for him to even be able to examine it. The drops didn't help too much but they finally worked just enough for me to get my eye open. He said I had a small scratch on the left side of my eye but he didnt' seem too conviced that the scratch was causing me so much pain. He even asked if gluacoma ran in my family. HELLO, I am 28, are you kidding me!! He called me in an antiobiotic and gave me more numbing drops which provided no relief. So he decided to call the opthamologist (I am sure I butchered the spelling) on call. They decided to call me in some pain meds. Almost 3 hours later I was released with my meds and told to go see a doctor on Monday for a better examination. Today I am still in pain but this afternoon I can finally open my eye!! I guess that is improvement. But my vision out of that eye is very cloudy. And the pain meds gave no relief!! Basically today I have been laid up in the bed all day long and bored to death!! Hopefully I can get some kind of meds to help heal my eye tomorrow. I really hope that it isn't anything more serious then a scratch!! The scene from Ray kept running through my head where he lost his vision. That is seriously how bad it hurt. I never knew how bright the lights at hospitals were. Luckily they kept the lights off in my room. David kept the kids in the waiting room. I felt so bad for the three of them. He said they were pretty good and a lady that was there with her husband kept Tyler enterained the whole time. I am saying a little prayer that they do not get sick after being in the waiting room for so long!!

UPDATE: My mom just called and she has the Mayo Clinic book. I promise it is her bible!! She found in there a corneal injury that had all the symptoms that I have. Looks like in a couple of days I will be back to normal!! As sad as it sounds, I would welcome no sunshine until I am back to normal!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Meet our Cookie Monster!!

I promised some pictures so here they are. I wasn't able to eat snack in Tyler's class so there are only pictures from Landon's class.

When I got to Landon's room he was playing with the cars, rolling them back and forth. His providers said that he loves the cars and even makes car noises.
This is Landon's favorite spot in the room because he knows that food is coming!!
Landon didn't know what to think of the cookie!!

But he decided to give the icing a try!!!!

I love how excited he looks in this picture!!

In this picture Landon is signing more, he wanted more icing!!

I love his facial expression in this picture, he looks like a pirate!! EERRR!!

Tyler on VDay before school!!!

Tyler is opening her VDay present. I thought I had a better pic but I didn't. She got Lily, Miley's best friend, and HM stickers!!

Landon got a piano, he loves music!!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures!! Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Today Tyler and Landon's classes invited their parents to come and eat snack with them. I went and ate with Landon and David ate with Tyler. Landon's class had sugar cookies and decorated the cookies with icing. Landon ate all the icing and then played with the cookie. I got some really cute pictures. However, I have been miserable with a headache for two days now so I haven't had any energy to download the pictures yet. I will try to get them up soon!!


Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!

We had a great weekend. Saturday was my birthday and Tyler's first dance recital. David surprised me with a Cannon Rebel XTI digital SLR camera. I was so excited. I am learning how to use it slowly. Hopefully I will get the hang of it soon. Tyler did so good at her recital. We were so proud of her. She did all of her dance moves and hammed it up on the stage!! She was born to dance!! Here are a few pictures.

Landon loved Tyler's recital also. He had a blast dancing to the music!! They said that he would throw his arms in the air and wave them around and sway from side to side with the beat of the music. Daddy already said no to dance lessons. I tried to tell him that dance helps with the balance for sports!! After the recital, Tyler decided that we would eat at McDonalds.

On Sunday we went to the Rainforest Cafe at Overland Park Mall. We love the Rainforest Cafe. It has awesome food and the neatest atmosphere. We heard about a dinosaur resteraunt like the rainforest cafe so we will have to try it out next.

We had a great weekend!! WE hope everyone else had a great weekend also!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What is a Miracle?

That was the question of the week in Tyler's room. (A post last week told of the posters where they ask the children questions and then write down their reply.)

Tyler's reply, "Angels."

I couldn't help but shed a tear. Her provider said that she was the only one that answered the question in that way. The most popular answer was a horse.

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Wow, I bet that title caught your attention!! I will start off with the bad and ugly first!! This afternoon we loaded up and headed to Sedalia, about a 20 minute drive, to Tyler's dance studio to pick her dance recital costumes. We get there to find out that the costumes were stolen. Yes, unfortunately you read right!! I am sure they are on EBay as I type this!! The police are trying to find leads but new costumes have been ordered and should be here by Thursday. Did I mention that the recital is on Saturday? We have dress rehearsal on Friday night!! I was very ticked when I heard this news. Then I had to explain this to my four year old. Tyler was with me when I got the news so the questions started coming. Poor Tyler was heartbroken. She could not understand why someone would steal her dance costume. Why do I have to teach my 4 year old a life lesson like this? After explaining to her what happened I told her that I was very sorry. Tyler looks at me and says, "Mommy it isn't your fault. It is the bad people's fault and the police will find them and lock them in a cage for a long time." Four year olds can be very perspective!!! But still, why did she have to learn this at the age four?

Now the good........
It is week 3 on Weight Watchers and I lost another 2lbs, which is a grand total of 7 pounds!!
So here is your recipe for the week:

Crockpot Mexican chicken(yes, I have posted a Crockpot chicken but this one is even better)

Chicken Breasts
1 package ranch dressing
1 package taco seasoning
1 large can of crushed tomatoes

Cook on low for 6-7 hours. Serve with brown rice or reduced fat tortillas!!

Weekend Update
Tyler and I went to see the Hannah Montana 3D move on Saturday. We had the best time!! Tyler was amazed at how everything was coming towards us. She said over and over, mommy this is the coolest!! At least for the hour I was mom of the year!! Then we did a little bit of shopping. Tyler isn't too big on shopping. I really cannot wait until she is a little older and doesn't mind shopping, but at the same time I love this age!! Then we met David and Landon in Warrensburg to buy Landon some new tennis shoes. Landon picked them out all by himself. Just what I need, another kid obsessed with shoes!! Luckily the pair he grabbed was on sale, he is my son after all, and they only had his size left!! I will try to get a picture up of him in his new Nikes. They are too cute on him. He looks like a big boy!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow Day

We got eight inches of snow yesterday. Yes, you read right!! All of the school districts in the area cancelled school but UCM!! Of course!! However, David called me this morning (he had to shove snow at 5a.m. and said the roads were icy) so I declared it a snow day. So far it has been a very nice morning. David came home around 8:00 for a few hours due to late call in to the base. That means they could report two hours late due to the snow. We made the kiddos pancakes. Landon LOVES pancakes!! After David went back to work Landon and I chilled out on my bed while I took care of some of my school work on the computer. He was playing hard and I discovered that he got in his left top molar. He is up to eight teeth now!! After getting my finger chopped off, yes I know I should not have put it in his mouth but how else will I see if he has teeth coming in, we played some more. The next thing I know, Landon his lying down on my shoulder and snoring!! I wish I could get a picture!! I love those moments!!