Monday, December 31, 2007

Another year has gone by!

I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2007. With that being said, I decided to dedicate this post to the ups and downs of 2007. The year started out with a bang!! Landon was born on January 25. It was a very exciting time, especially since my parents flew up to be here for the birth! We lived in England when Tyler was born and it was the same week that the war broke out so no one was able to come and see her! So it was a very emotional time for me to have my mom and David in the room with me when Landon was born. After Landon was born the year kind of took a slow pace but I think that was only to get us ready for the rest of the year. On April 2, the kids and I boarded a planed headed to Dallas, TX for Courtney and Jeff's wedding!! It was a very exciting time and David was going to join us 2 weeks later, right before the wedding. Well fate had other plans. As soon as I was standing up to enter the airport, I turned my phone off and I had a text message from David. I was thinking, oh how sweet, he wanted to check on us and make sure we got to Dallas safely!! NOT!!! He sent me a text saying that he wouldn't be able to come home for the wedding because he would be in San Antonio for tech school. We knew there was a chance he would have to cross train because his career field was overmanned but we really hoped that David wouldn't be one of the chosen few. As soon as I found mom and Courtney I called David to find out what was going on. And that is when our lives took a big 360!! So we were home for a month without David and pondering the whole time what our summer would have in store for us. The wedding was beautiful and we are so excited to have Jeff as a part of our family. Not that he wasn't before the wedding!! A few days after we got home from the wedding I get a call from David and he said that we are PCSing (moving). OH FUN!! The plus of the whole situation is that we were moving closer to home!! The downside, we would be leaving all of our good friends and I had to try to sell a house all by myself!! Luckily one of my friends gave me the name of an awesome realtor and we had the house sold in 2 weeks!! A month later we were off to our 3rd base in six years!! After we got settled in, I started back to school. It is definitely my best decision for the year 2007!! I am going back to school for a degree in early childhood/elem education!! I love it!! I even got to work in a second grade classroom last semester!! So we are finally settling in, lots of visits from family (we are a lot closer to home after all!!) and everything is going great!! On Nov 3, we are at Walmart when David got a call from his brother. David's dad had a massive heart attack and didn't make it. Our world literally stopped!! We rushed home, the whole way home it was like nothing happened. We were in shock and not home yet so it was too hard to believe. I am not sure that we still believe it. Being away from home, we aren't there to deal with it on an every day basis. So it only hits us when we go home for a visit! He is a wonderful man and I know that he is watching over us from up above!! We had a wonderful Christmas and now with the new year right around the corner we are looking for to the razorback bowl game and to see what the new year brings us!! I am sure it will be a year of ups and downs but the ups and downs always make you a stronger person. David will be deploying in the spring so please keep us in your prayers!! And we wish everyone the best 2008!! Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This year has definitely been a very bad one for me. I know how you feel. Everything was going ok until I lost my grandpa this summer. It has pretty much tore my whole world apart. I have cried pretty much everyday since the beginning of December. I guess the holidays will always be hard without him.
2008 has GOT to be a better year! It has just GOT to be!!!
I enjoyed reading your post. It doesn't seem like all that happened in just 1 year.
Love ya!