Friday, December 28, 2007

My New Years Resolution for 2008

Ok, so I caught bits of pieces on Oprah (man I miss DVR) and she had guests that were ex planing how much money you can save by using coupons!! I always say that I am going to start using coupons but we do not get a Sunday paper so I just haven't messed with it. Well yesterday I was reading one of my friends blogs and she saw Oprah also and posted a website that helps with saving big money by using coupons. So I went on the website after everyone went to bed and I promise I spent an hour and a half on there. OH yeah, the website is There were all kinds of stories and pictures of what they call stockpiling. This is where you use coupons for products or nonperishable foods that you may need in the future. The stories are amazing and I am so motivated!! Living on one income with two kids isn't the easiest so I will look for any way to save some extra money!! And it isn't going to hurt to at least give it month and see how it works out!! So if you have any coupons you don't use then send them my way!!!


Allison said...

You can also get coupons from or look in your area for the paper recyclable dumster (known as dumpster diving.) You can do it! :)

Sarah said...

hi! I'm Allison's friend, who also coupons! Let me know if you ever need help w/ anything!