Tuesday, October 2, 2007

God Bless Our Troops

My mom called me tonight to let me know that a lady at our church got the dreaded knock on the door that every military wife and mother dreads. Her son was killed in a road side bombing and gun fire in Baghdad. He was married and had two young girls, ages three and six. He was to return home in a matter of weeks. How does a mom explain this to her two young children who do not even understand what war is?

This is the first person that I have had any ties with that has been killed in Iraq. Every death hits home but this one I just cannot let go of. His mom is a wonderful lady. She just lost her husband this past year and now her son. A wife lost her husband and two innocent children lost their father.

There isn't a day that goes by that I do not know someone who is serving in Iraq. I always have that constant fear that something will happen to someone I know or worse David. I can be strong while he is gone because I have to for the kids. But I have no idea what I would do if something happened to him. I am very grateful that David is Air Force so for the most part he isn't in a lot of danger. But I do know that he isn't completely safe!!

I am intentionally leaving out the soldier's and the family's names. It is really sad when you cannot honor that person for the fear of protesters coming to the funeral. Everyone can have their opinion on the war, that is what makes us Americans, but is it necessary to harass our soldiers and their families. The family and friends are just trying to pay their last respect for their hero that made the ultimate sacrifice. Let them do this peacefully!

Last week David, the kids, and I went out to eat. As we were leaving I heard an older gentleman say ma'am. So I turned around and he pointed at me and asked me to do him a favor. I was thinking he may needed me to help him with something. So I went over to his table and told him hi and what could I do for him. He looked me dead straight in the eyes and said, " Can you do me a favor, you tell your husband thank you for serving." (David had on his uniform.) Every time I hear that it stops me dead in my tracks and a tear comes to my eyes. All we hear is the negative of the war, It is so good to hear people still supporting our military no matter what their opinion on the war is. They didn't vote for the war, they were sent there. So in Memory and in Honor of our military, please let them know how much you appreciate them. As a military wife it always feels like a thank you to me also. I know what David sacrifices when he is away so it is good to hear the appreciation.


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