Thursday, October 25, 2007

9 Months

Landon is 9 months old today!! I cannot believe how fast time is flying!! He is really starting to talk. He was saying dadadada forever but now his new thing is mamamama. He can also say hi! He loves to wave at everyone and loves to play with his toys. David is deteremined that Landon is about to crawl but I promise no attempt is being made!! He would rather roll around all over the floor then try to figure out how to get up on his knees!!! Landon and Tyler both have sinus infections. They weren't sick but both had nasty coughs so we took them to the dr. So they are on antibiotics and the cough is pretty much nonexistent. We are really looking forward to Halloween next week!! In the picture above, we were at Bass Pro Shop in Olathe, KS (outside KCK!!).
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