Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!! I love this time of the year. But I would love to know why candy is so expensive. I bought $50 worth and I am sure we will run out of candy in no time!! Tyler is so excited to go trick or treating tonight. Tyler is a pink poodle, Landon is a Razorback football player and Max's bandanna has ghosts on it. All three of our kiddos are too cute. Landon got to wear his football uniform to daycare today. Tyler didn't get too. Being that we are in the USA and all we have to make sure that don't hurt someones feelings due to their religious beliefs!! UGH!! But they were going to make scarecrows today so she took old clothes to school for her scarecrow.

We hope everyone has a great Halloween and gets lots of candy!!!
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

9 Months

Landon is 9 months old today!! I cannot believe how fast time is flying!! He is really starting to talk. He was saying dadadada forever but now his new thing is mamamama. He can also say hi! He loves to wave at everyone and loves to play with his toys. David is deteremined that Landon is about to crawl but I promise no attempt is being made!! He would rather roll around all over the floor then try to figure out how to get up on his knees!!! Landon and Tyler both have sinus infections. They weren't sick but both had nasty coughs so we took them to the dr. So they are on antibiotics and the cough is pretty much nonexistent. We are really looking forward to Halloween next week!! In the picture above, we were at Bass Pro Shop in Olathe, KS (outside KCK!!).
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

That was a close one!!

Let me paint the picture for you. We are in Warrensburg, fifteen minutes from the base, on our way back to the base to pick up Tyler from the CDC. We are flipping through the radio stations when we hear Johnson County, yes that is us, take immediate cover!! David and I look at each other and say oh crap!! So we made it to the base in record time. When we hand the SO our ids he tells us that we are in a tornado warning and to take immediate cover. Three seconds later the alarms start going off. I run into the CDC to pick up Tyler and they said that we cannot leave so I call David so he and Landon can come inside. We are in the halls with about 30 preschoolers. Talk about some good fun!! Not long after we get to the CDC the skies turn black!! Yes, we forgot what tornado weather is all about!! We were at the CDC for 4o minutes before we were cleared to go. The tornado touched town just southwest of Warrensburg. WE barely missed it. We heard on the news that one touched down in Warrensburg also and a tree was uprooted. Thankfully it didn't land on any buildings and there were no injuries!! Luckily we just had a test run. But you can bet that everything we need is now in our storm shelter so we will be ready for the next test run!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

What a Week!!

Man, has it ever been a busy week!! The kids and David and I are worn out. David's parents were here last Saturday - Monday. We didn't do much. We showed them around Warrensburg and Sedalia. Then my parents got here Wednesday and left yesterday. They got to spend lots of time with the kids. They bought Landon his first pair of Nike tennis shoes!! They are so cute on him but he screams when we put them on. But he has to get used to shoes sooner or later!! I was trying to get him to say da da so mom and dad could hear him. He gave me a strange look and said moma!! We died laughing!! It was as if he was saying, you idiot you are my momma not my daddy!!! It was priceless. Today we have been playing catch up. I have been studying and working on papers all day and David has been watching football all day and dealing with a cranky baby. Poor Landon is so tired from all of the company. Tyler got Jungle Book dvd so she has been watching it nonstop!! Now we are watching the Razorback game but David and I are both so tired that we really want to go to bed and it is only halftime!! Hey cut us some slack, it has been raining here all day which makes you so sleepy!!

I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures of the visits with our families. My camera is broken!! The closest Best Buy is a hour away so I don't know when we will make it there. Hopefully I will get there before Halloween!! I would hate to miss out on priceless pics of the kids and their costumes. It is Landon's first Halloween!! Landon is going to be a razorback football player and Tyler is going to be a pink poodle!! Who would have ever thought Landon a football player and Tyler in a pink costume!! I know big surprise!! But they are going to be too cute!!

Hopefully I will have a good razorback recap tomorrow but I am not into the game so I am not making any promises. It is taking all of my energy just to type!!

OH we just found out that Tyler's first dance recital is on Feb 9, my bday!! I can't wait. She is so excited!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Sorry it has been awhile since I have made any posts. David's parents came to visit for the weekend. We had a nice visit. My parents are coming up tomorrow. So I have been busy doing school work so I won't get behind during all the visits from family!! But I did have to share this with everyone!! Landon said daddy today. Well it was more like gaddy but he looks at David every time he says it. So we know what he means!! I was trying so hard to get him to say momma first. He had said da da a few times but it was more of a babble then anything!! We are so excited. Hopefully mommy, momma, ma ma or something close to that is right around the corner. I will take anything. Both of our kids said dada or daddy first!! Oh well, David misses out on a lot so I will let him have that moment!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Congrats David

David was named NCO of the quarter for his squadron!! I am so proud of him. He has been through a lot the last six months. But he has kept his head up and looking forward!! He has been studying his cdcs (sorry for the nonmilitary reading this) and his PFE for Tech Sargent. He wants Tech so bad!! I know he can do it!! Tomorrow is also his seven year anniversary in the Air Force. It really does seem like he has been in longer then seven years. I guess the numbers say otherwise!! Way to go David, keep working hard and you will get as far as you want!! I am so proud of you!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

God Bless Our Troops

My mom called me tonight to let me know that a lady at our church got the dreaded knock on the door that every military wife and mother dreads. Her son was killed in a road side bombing and gun fire in Baghdad. He was married and had two young girls, ages three and six. He was to return home in a matter of weeks. How does a mom explain this to her two young children who do not even understand what war is?

This is the first person that I have had any ties with that has been killed in Iraq. Every death hits home but this one I just cannot let go of. His mom is a wonderful lady. She just lost her husband this past year and now her son. A wife lost her husband and two innocent children lost their father.

There isn't a day that goes by that I do not know someone who is serving in Iraq. I always have that constant fear that something will happen to someone I know or worse David. I can be strong while he is gone because I have to for the kids. But I have no idea what I would do if something happened to him. I am very grateful that David is Air Force so for the most part he isn't in a lot of danger. But I do know that he isn't completely safe!!

I am intentionally leaving out the soldier's and the family's names. It is really sad when you cannot honor that person for the fear of protesters coming to the funeral. Everyone can have their opinion on the war, that is what makes us Americans, but is it necessary to harass our soldiers and their families. The family and friends are just trying to pay their last respect for their hero that made the ultimate sacrifice. Let them do this peacefully!

Last week David, the kids, and I went out to eat. As we were leaving I heard an older gentleman say ma'am. So I turned around and he pointed at me and asked me to do him a favor. I was thinking he may needed me to help him with something. So I went over to his table and told him hi and what could I do for him. He looked me dead straight in the eyes and said, " Can you do me a favor, you tell your husband thank you for serving." (David had on his uniform.) Every time I hear that it stops me dead in my tracks and a tear comes to my eyes. All we hear is the negative of the war, It is so good to hear people still supporting our military no matter what their opinion on the war is. They didn't vote for the war, they were sent there. So in Memory and in Honor of our military, please let them know how much you appreciate them. As a military wife it always feels like a thank you to me also. I know what David sacrifices when he is away so it is good to hear the appreciation.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Book Fair at School

Today started the book fair at the elementary school that I am doing my field experience at. The students got to go and look at all of the books and make a wish list for their parents. I am crazy about books and especially children's books and this trait has been passed down to Tyler. I could just picture her going to the book fair next year and coming home with a wish list of about 10 books that she wants!! I was really impressed with the selection they had!! The book in the picture caught my eye!! Tyler loves anything to do with princesses. So I picked it up and looked through it. I was taken away with the illustrations in this book. It is your normal princess book. Each letter . stands for a princess, most of them are real life. Some of them were D for Princess Diana, Q for Queen Elizabeth. And the illustrations were breathtaking. I found the book on amazon so I am going to get it for Tyler for Christmas. Maybe now she can learn real life princesses other than Cinderella and all the other Disney princesses, not that there is anything wrong with that!! After all, every little girl wants to be a princess!!
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