Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday David

Yesterday was David's 29th Birthday!! Happy Birthday to a wonderful husband and father!! Tyler and I made breakfest (well we ate it for dinner) and a cake for daddy. Landon didn't have a nap that afternoon so he had a late one while we ate breakfest and cake. Which worked out considering we were on eggs overload! David was supposed to have the day off but that never really works out as planned. Here are a few pictures from the big day!

Tyler added her scarf around the cake to make for a beautiful presentation. I have no idea where she thought of that but I think there may be a good future ahead of her!!
Disclaimer: We are in no way professional bakers so please ignore how unprofessional this cake may look!!

Tyler loves birthdays. She told all of her friends at school that it was her daddy's birthday and they were invited to his birthday party!! She was so happy to share the day with her daddy!

Well, it is that time again!!!

Sorry for the glare of the flash. OOPS!! I am actually ready to get back in the swing of things. I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and realize that next year is my last year!! WHEW!!! Well that is if I survive taking 19 hrs this semester!!!

I would also like to say thank you to Heather at She replied to my post on Landon's allergies. Her webiste has so much wonderful information and two different lines of food that I can find in Lee's Summit that are allergy free for Landon!! I never thought that he would get to eat macarroni and cheese!! I am learning through this process that the doctors on base are not going to help me. But that is a long story!! Mothers going through the same thing are going is where I will recieve support and education!!

Also, I need to give a shout out to Tyler!! She made all pluses on her report card!! A plus is basically the same as an A. It is the highest mark you can recieve!! We are so proud of her!!!

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