Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer School

One of the classes I am taking this summer is Computer/Tech in Education. One of our assignments was to create a blog and keep it updated for the next 5 weeks. So now I am being held accountable so looks like you will be getting updates now!! For my fellow classmates, let me tell you a little about me. I met my husband, David, while attending school at University of Arkansas at Monticello in February 200o. We fell in love and in August that same year we were engaged. What can I say, we knew we were supposed to be together forever. Yes, we are that sappy. In October 2000, David left for Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX for basic training. We had set a wedding date for July 2001 but we found out that we would be moving to England and had to be there in June. Needless to say the wedding date got moved up and we were married on May 26, 2001. Looking back, so much happened in one year!! We lived in England for 3 years. It was an experience that I wouldn't take back for anything. Our daughter, Tyler, was born in England in March 2003. After our 3 year tour in England, we were off to Hill AFB in Utah. We loved Hill and never planned on leaving!! Our son was born in January 2007. We were loving life and loved everything that Utah had to offer. Well the Air Force decided that my husband should cross train (basically they gave him a new job that he doesn't like) and we had to move!! That is how we ended up in Missouri. We are originally from Arkansas, GO HOGS, so we were excited to be closer to home. I started back to school Fall '07. It has been challenging going back to school as a wife and a mother of 2, but it is all worth it. This is just a little about our lives!! Feel free to leave a comment with any questions that you may have for me!! I will answer them in posts and it will give me something to blog about!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


your blog site is awesome. I created one also, but I do not like it. I am very new at this.

I am a fellow classmate of your computer ed tech class this summer.

Tammy Carroll