Monday, June 30, 2008

As Promised................

Tyler and Audrey Audrey is our best friend's daughter. They are moving to England in
the fall and we are really sad!! :-(

Tyler has been sick!! I just couldn't pass up a pic of her taking a nap!! Doesn't she
look sweet and peaceful!!

Believe it or not, this pic and the pic above were taken on the same day!!

Tyler and Landon had fun playing in the laundry basket!! Landon started crying
as soon as I got the camera so I had to pop the bink in in order to snap a pic!!

Tyler is our little comedian!!

Landon is looking very mischevious!! Can you guess what he is thinking!!!

That's right, he was thinking about how fun it would be to
climb into Max's kennel!!

Landon loves to watch daddy when he is working on a project
in the garage!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's been awhile...............

Well, it has been awhile since I have posted on here!! We have been really busy!! I have pictures on my camera but they haven't made their way onto my computer yet!! I am getting really bad about that!! SORRY!! Tyler just finished up summer school at the elementary school last week. They had an awesome program for children that are going into kindergarten in August. They only went for half a day but she learned so much and is even more excited about starting school in August. Her teacher said that she loves school and was always well prepared in the mornings before class started. Mr. Andrade, the teacher that I observed fall semester last year, taught P.E. this summer. He told me that Tyler was his best listener and his big helper. We were so proud. At the end of July, she is going to Arkansas to spend a week with my parents!! She is so excited!! Landon just turned 17 months this past week!! He has been talking like crazy and is getting closer to walking!! We keep joking that we only have one more week until he his walking. (David didn't walk until he was 18 months old!) He is still in physical therapy and they said they probably will not extend his appointments. They said there isn't anything wrong with him, he just is going to be slower and there is nothing to worry about, especially since his father was slow at walking!! David has been really busy at work!! I swear, we never see him anymore!! I finished 6 of my hours this summer a week ago. I still have 5 hours of internet classes. I am staying really busy with them!! I had surgery last Friday. Nothing major, but I am so glad that it is over with!!!

We did find out some bad news this week!! We finally met a couple here that is EXACTLY like us!! We have really become good friends!! Well they got orders to England and leave in October!! Yes, I know what you are thinking!! You are in the military, you should be used to this!! But it took us so long to find a couple at at this base that we had anything in common with and had fun hanging out just doing nothing!! I know that we will still stay in touch!! Kiara, the wife, is one of Landon's providers at the CDC. He adores her and I feel so bad that he will not have Kiara anymore in his room!!

I hope everyone has a great week!! Army Wives is on and needs my full attention!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to, in the words of Tyler, "the best daddy in the whole wide word!!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What a morning..........

Tyler came in my room at 5:00 this morning to wake me up and tell me that she had a loose tooth. This isn't the first time she has told me that she has a loose tooth but I got excited for her and began my search for the loose tooth. NO LOOSE TOOTH!! So like any tired mom that still has an hour and a half to sleep, I told her to go back to bed and we would search for the loose tooth in the morning. At 7:00 this morning, Tyler wakes up and says mommy I have a loose tooth. She searched and searched for that loose tooth and said "Mommy I found it!!" Sure enough my baby, I mean big, girl has a loose tooth. It is a bottom tooth!! She is so excited!! So what is the going rate for a tooth these days?????!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Summer School

One of the classes I am taking this summer is Computer/Tech in Education. One of our assignments was to create a blog and keep it updated for the next 5 weeks. So now I am being held accountable so looks like you will be getting updates now!! For my fellow classmates, let me tell you a little about me. I met my husband, David, while attending school at University of Arkansas at Monticello in February 200o. We fell in love and in August that same year we were engaged. What can I say, we knew we were supposed to be together forever. Yes, we are that sappy. In October 2000, David left for Lackland AFB in San Antonio, TX for basic training. We had set a wedding date for July 2001 but we found out that we would be moving to England and had to be there in June. Needless to say the wedding date got moved up and we were married on May 26, 2001. Looking back, so much happened in one year!! We lived in England for 3 years. It was an experience that I wouldn't take back for anything. Our daughter, Tyler, was born in England in March 2003. After our 3 year tour in England, we were off to Hill AFB in Utah. We loved Hill and never planned on leaving!! Our son was born in January 2007. We were loving life and loved everything that Utah had to offer. Well the Air Force decided that my husband should cross train (basically they gave him a new job that he doesn't like) and we had to move!! That is how we ended up in Missouri. We are originally from Arkansas, GO HOGS, so we were excited to be closer to home. I started back to school Fall '07. It has been challenging going back to school as a wife and a mother of 2, but it is all worth it. This is just a little about our lives!! Feel free to leave a comment with any questions that you may have for me!! I will answer them in posts and it will give me something to blog about!!!!