I know, it has been awhile since I have posted on here!! So much has happened. We had to go home to AR last Friday. My grandfather passed away. I just really haven't been up to talking about it!! And I am still pretty tired and mentally drained. But I have peace knowing that he is in a better place!!
We got home late Monday night and it was my last week of classes. UGH!! That only means one thing, FINALS are this coming week!! Actually, I am just ready to get them over with. The sad part is that the following Monday, I start summer school. Wow, what a summer break!!
The past month has been a hard one. You know how everything just happens at one time and you feel like you can't breathe. Well that is how it has been!! Poor David, I know I have been miserable to put up with!! But I am so thankful to have a husband that puts up with me no matter what!! For better or worse, RIGHT?! Well today that wonderful husband of mine went to get the oil changed in the Explorer and brought home this:
It is a 2008 Nissan Altima. IT isn't the best of pics, it was so bright outside that I couldn't even see the pic when I tried to review it on my camera!! Oh well, I know how beautiful it is!! LOL!! Can you tell how excited I am!! We had been talking about breaking down and trading in the Explorer for a car. Gas is just way too high and we had a truck and a SUV. Yeah, can you guess our gas bill!! NOT PRETTY!!! Then after 2 back to back trips home to AR we gave in!! IT even has a sunroof!! I have always wanted a car with a sunroof!! And I can plug in my IPod and listen to good tunes instead of DJ just talking!! Even better for those long trips home to AR!! I can't stop grinning and David is just glad that I am back to normal!! This could be a short time thing considering I start studying tomorrow for finals. But, I have something to keep me motivated now!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
How sweet! congrats on the car!!
Congrats and good luck on finals and such! Mine are this week too. I only have one 5 wk class this summer, and it starts on the 27th. I'm already looking forward to the end of that one! haha
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