Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week in Pictures

I am going to start attempting to taking more pictures during the week and posting a Week in Pictures post on the weekend. David actually took the pictures below. Tyler pulled her first tooth this week. It was loose forever but never loose enough to pull. We also went and bought pumpkins this week. Tyler had school pictures but of course it was on a day that David had to work so I was doing good making her "beautiful" (Tyler's words not mine!) and getting her and Landon out the door on time!! But this is my attempt at holding myself more accountable to take pics!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Ashely love your pumpkin!!! I have to know how did you do that? Did you free-hand your drawing of your Hog and your letters? I hve to do one.

Ashley said...

The letters I did free hand. The razorback, I just printed one off the internet and traced the body but all the details inside the body I did freehand. THank you!! I am not an artsy person so I was very happy with how it turned out.