Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happily Ever After....

Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary!! David and I were talking and with everything we have gone through in 7 years it seems like it has been more like 10 years already!! But those 7 years have gone by so fast. We are just as happy as the day we first fell in love. Of course we have had our ups and downs!! Those ups and downs just make our marriage that much stronger. Seven years ago we never dreamed we would be at our third base, two children, David would have a different job in the AF, and I would be back in school. This past year has been a very hard year. David found out he had to cross train into a field he is not happy in. Not even two months after he got home we packed up our house and moved AGAIN. Did I mention that I sold the house while he was gone. That task is not easy with a newborn!! But we got through it!! I started back to school in August. I will admit that this is hard at times on the whole family but we know that it is the best for us in the long run. And I have a kick butt grade point that shows that David has supported me the whole time. I couldn't do it without him. In November, David's dad passed away. He was never sick so we didn't see it coming. But we get through these things together as a couple. Landon has been giving us lots of problems with his lack of gross motor skills. Well I shouldn't say it is Landon giving us the problems. We have had problems getting him to specialists, everyone telling us what to do and so on. But we have dealt with it has a couple and Landon is improving every day!! Last month my grandfather passed away. Two deaths in five months was rough. But we are always there for each other!! We have been through deployments, TDYs, lived overseas, and even being a parent can throw many curve balls at you!! We may not have the PERFECT marriage but who does!! We love each other and that is what matters. We are there for each other and that is what matters!! So happy anniversary babe, I love you more and more each day!!!

Here are some pictures throughout the years!!!!

Old South Formal at UAM. This was the beginning of our Love Story!!

Engagement Picture. David was in TX for Basic Training so it was just me!! :-(

In San Antonio, TX at David Basic Training graduation.

OUr Wedding Day. May 26, 2001.

AGE Christmas Party '01 at RAF Lakenheath, England.

David's promotion ceremony when he sewed on Senior Airman. I was due any day with Tyler.

Tyler and I made David a big Congrats sign when he made Staff Sargent. (Hill AFB)

David just got home from a deployment to Iraq.

David's first Razorback game!!

Right after Landon was born.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Bark at the Park

(Sorry the picture isn't that great!! I was holding
sleepy 24lb one year old and trying to take a pic!)

On Saturday we took the kids to Bark at the Park on base. We had no idea what to expect but we had the best time. They had lots of fun contests for the dogs. Some of the contests were: most mixed up mutt, best costume, smallest/largest dog, and so many more. Max won for the curliest tail!! He didn't seem to care too much for the festivities. He just laid under a picnic table the whole time. He is an inside dog and the heat is not his thing!! We had a great time and it was fun seeing all the different breeds of dogs!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Our New Family Member

Tyler has been wanting a hamster forever!! A couple of weeks ago, she got to take a tour of the kindergarten rooms at her new school and one of the rooms had hamsters!! She didn't want to leave the room and has been talking about it nonstop. David always had hamsters growing up and was very excited about the idea of having them again. But he was worried because he had one hamster that took a chunk out of his finger and he didn't want that to happen to Tyler. On Thursday, we took Max to get groomed and David was looking at the hamsters and guinea pigs. Well David fell in love with the guinea pigs. We did our research and decided on the guinea pig. Here is a picture of Eric (Prince Eric from Little Mermaid!!).

We are having fun with Eric. Max keeps running around, sniffing at his cage!! He isn't so sure about the new family member!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

I am so freakin excited that David Cook made it to the Top 2 in American Idol!!! He has been my fav since day 1!! Then I found out that he is from Blue Springs, MO. Blue Springs is not even an hour down the road. Then I found out that he graduated from UCM (that is where I am attending school!) and his brother Andrew is Elem Ed major at UCM. Two of my professors this summer had Andrew in their classes last semester. So I am guess that I am a semester behind Andrew so hopefully summer school will have me caught up and we will have classes together in the fall. How awesome would that be!!!!!! If not, then hey at least David and I will be alumnus (sp?) together!! HA!!!! And rumor has it that ole Simon is doing anything possible to make sure that David wins!! Good thing, because I am not too into the other David!! Be sure to vote for David Cook on Tuesday night!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful mothers. I hope you have a day full of pampering and the whole nine yards!! I got to celebrate the wonderful day early. On Friday, I was invited for a special Mother's Day snack with Tyler at her school. They made cookies with sprinkles, what more could a girl ask for, and made lots of treats. She wrote a poem that I am going to add at the end of this post and they made us mom's some beautiful bath beads. David has to work today so we celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday. David and the kids got me a pot of daisies (my favorite), a bamboo plant, and another small green plant that Tyler just had to buy!! I love all my plants!!! Then Tyler wanted to make me a cake for Mother's Day so we went and bought the stuff and we had a blast baking the cake together. Tyler put the icing on all by herself and topped it off with a #5 candle. She was dying to buy a candle for the cake so we got the 5 since I have been a mother for 5 years!! WOW!!!!!!! We wanted to hang out outside yesterday but we had bad storms so we were stuck in for most part of the day. Thankfully we didn't get hit by all the tornadoes!!

Last week was a crazy week!! I still haven't got caught up on sleep!! But finals are over and I am still waiting on 2 of my grades!! I am so impatient when it comes to finding out my grades!! But what can I do!! David was off on Friday since he has to work today!! We had a great morning, just the two of us!! We went out to eat breakfast, went to a few shops that I have always wanted to go to and David scheduled me an appt to get my windows tinted on my car!! YAY!!!!!!! I am so excited about that!! Tomorrow summer school starts!! Wow, what a break. But I am excited about my Methods of Reading class. We go out to one of the elementary schools in Warrensburg and work with the students on their reading!! I really missed not being in the schools last semester!! But from here on out, I will constantly be in the schools!! Very Exciting!!

Well here is Tyler's poem that I was talking about. I am going to add some comments so you will understand how funny this poem is!!!!

My Great Mom

My Mommy is 1 year old (plus 27 years)
She weighs 3lbs (we won't go there) and is 6 ft tall (I wish!!)
She has brown hair and blue eyes (this one is actually dead on!!)
My mommy loves to relax by sitting in the rocking chair. (We don't have a rocking chair but I have been begging David for rocking chairs for the front porch!!)
She loves to cook spaghetti. (this is Tyler's favorite meal.)
My mom's favorite chore is cleaning the floors. (Uhm not so much!!)
Her favorite show is all the shows on the TV (actually I don't watch that much and my fav is Grey's but that is past her bedtime!!) and her favorite song is the Falling in Love song (Tyler loves Clumsy by Fergie, this is the falling in love song!!)
My mom always says to have fun. (I do tell her this every morning when I drop her off!!)
It makes my mom really happy when I give her hugs. (AMEN SISTA!!)
When my mom goes shopping she always wants to buy toys for me. (WANTS?!)
If my mommy could go on a trip she would go to the zoo and take me too. (We are planning a trip to the zoo in St Louis this summer!!)
I really love it when Mom gives me kisses.
She's the best. Happy Mother's Day!!
Love Tyler

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Love My Husband!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, it has been awhile since I have posted on here!! So much has happened. We had to go home to AR last Friday. My grandfather passed away. I just really haven't been up to talking about it!! And I am still pretty tired and mentally drained. But I have peace knowing that he is in a better place!!

We got home late Monday night and it was my last week of classes. UGH!! That only means one thing, FINALS are this coming week!! Actually, I am just ready to get them over with. The sad part is that the following Monday, I start summer school. Wow, what a summer break!!

The past month has been a hard one. You know how everything just happens at one time and you feel like you can't breathe. Well that is how it has been!! Poor David, I know I have been miserable to put up with!! But I am so thankful to have a husband that puts up with me no matter what!! For better or worse, RIGHT?! Well today that wonderful husband of mine went to get the oil changed in the Explorer and brought home this:

It is a 2008 Nissan Altima. IT isn't the best of pics, it was so bright outside that I couldn't even see the pic when I tried to review it on my camera!! Oh well, I know how beautiful it is!! LOL!! Can you tell how excited I am!! We had been talking about breaking down and trading in the Explorer for a car. Gas is just way too high and we had a truck and a SUV. Yeah, can you guess our gas bill!! NOT PRETTY!!! Then after 2 back to back trips home to AR we gave in!! IT even has a sunroof!! I have always wanted a car with a sunroof!! And I can plug in my IPod and listen to good tunes instead of DJ just talking!! Even better for those long trips home to AR!! I can't stop grinning and David is just glad that I am back to normal!! This could be a short time thing considering I start studying tomorrow for finals. But, I have something to keep me motivated now!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!