Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's Turtle Time!!

David and I have been wanting to find a turtle and bring home to show Tyler. There weren't a lot of turtles in Utah. However, every time we would see a turtle it would be in the middle of a busy highway. When David came home for lunch today, he told Tyler he had something that he wanted her to see. In the back of his truck was this little fella. He was a little sassy thing and we were afraid that he may bite Tyler so we wouldn't let her touch him. She had so much fun just watching the turtle go in and out of his shell!! She has also discovered lightening bugs and she caught a frog the other night. She may turn into a little country girl after all!!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!!!!!!!!

We hope everyone is having a great 4th of July!! Please remember our troops that are serving overseas and our troops that are serving at home.

We have had a very eventful week!! Tyler has been sick since last Sunday. On Wednesday our doctor decided to admit her to Children's Mercy South in Overland Park, KS. We only had to stay overnight, so it was too bad. Tyler and I even rode on an ambulance to the hospital. Tyler thought that was the coolest thing in the world!! She actually cried when the EMTs left her at the hospital. My mom, dad, and sister came up Wednesday and spent the night. It wasn't the best way to see family but it was nice seeing them all the same. We are at home now just relaxing and getting Tyler back to 100 percent. David had to work today so it will me a nice 4th of July at home. Here are some pictures of our stay at Children's Mercy. Please forgive the quality of the pictures, they were taken with my point and shoot and it doesn't take the best pictures.

Peepaw (my dad) and David

Daddy was taking it easy!!

Tyler got so spoiled when it came time to eat. We could order her whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it.

My mom brought her this outfit. She was so excited because she wants to be a cheerleader for the Arkansas Razorbacks when she grows up. This pic was taken on Thursday and she was so ready to go home!!!

This picture was taken outside our room when everyone came to break Tyler out on Thursday.

Getting ready to go home!! Tyler got the bear from the EMTs on the ambulance ride.

Day 2 of presents and spoiling!!

Busting out of the hospital

The ride home.
My mom and sister wrote on the sidewalk Welcome Home Tyler!!!
We are so glad to be back home. Tyler is a homebody and wanted nothing to do with being at the hospital!! On Wednesday night she was running a fever and that is when our little evil Tyler comes out to play. There was a picture of a hippo on the wall by her bed. She pointed at the picture and told me that she never wanted to see that picture ever again!! She didn't say it in a nice voice either. I was laughing so hard and that just got her even madder!!!